Apple expands Vision Pro Labs Branch Out to NYC and Sydney

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Maruti a tech enthusiast with a B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering. His journey in the world of technology has spanned over five years, during which he has shared his passion through engaging and informative content. Pegoutam's love for all things tech shines through in his writings.

Apple announced that they plan to expand their Vision Pro developer labs to New York and Sydney. Developers interested in testing their apps on Vision Pro can now apply to attend labs in New York City and Sydney.

Recent reports suggest that Apple might soon launch its budget Vision Pro. This expansion of Vision Pro labs could be an indication that work on the Vision Pro is progressing rapidly. Previously, the only city in the United States offering Vision Pro labs was Cupertino. The initial Vision Pro developer labs were situated in Cupertino, London, Munich, Shanghai, Singapore, and Tokyo. This meant that Vision Pro developers often had to travel great distances to test the Vision Pro in person. Apple received criticism for only providing one testing location for Vision Pro in the United States.

With the introduction of a Vision Pro lab in New York, developers on the US coast won’t have to travel as far. Now, any developer can apply to participate in a Vision Pro lab session.

This is what Apple mentioned on their website during the announcement:

We’re thrilled with the excitement and enthusiasm from developers around the world at the Apple Vision Pro labs, and we’re pleased to announce new labs in New York City and Sydney. Join us to test directly on the device and connect with Apple experts for help with taking your visionOS, iPadOS, and iOS apps even further on this exciting new platform.

Developers at the Vision Pro labs are given hands-on time with the Vision Pro headset, along with assistance from Apple’s developers. These labs offer opportunities for testing and optimization of visionOS apps.

Apple has distributed developer kits to some, but these kits are not available in unlimited quantities. Apple is prioritizing apps that best showcase the features and capabilities of Vision Pro.

The purpose of these labs is to allow developers to spend hands-on time with the Vision Pro and to conduct thorough testing. Apple engineers will be on-site to provide enhanced support.

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